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Saturn and the Moon: A Celestial Encounter
On January 4, 2025, Saturn emerged from behind the Moon in a breathtaking occultation event. Captured at this moment, the southern lunar surface showcases its densely cratered terrain, including striking features such as Clavius and Tycho, whose dramatic shadows accentuate the Moon’s rugged beauty. Saturn, with its iconic ring system tilted gracefully, adds a touch of elegance to this dynamic scene, its golden hue contrasting against the stark, gray lunar surface.
Nearby, the bright star 85 Aquarii adds its light to the composition, a distant companion to this celestial alignment. Such occultations provide a rare and awe-inspiring perspective on the Solar System, illustrating the intricate motions of planetary bodies as viewed from Earth. The juxtaposition of the Moon’s craters, Saturn’s rings, and the distant starlight reminds us of the vast scales and intricate beauty of the universe.
Saturn, with the resplendent colours of its southern hemisphere.
I had superb seeing for this session and that has resulted in a lot of detail being resolved in the planet's atmosphere.
There is a large storm cell in the NNTeZ on the p side of the Central Meridian, which could be seen in both the RGB and IR images. On its f side a series of small ovals can be observed.
This is the first image I have captured where there is clearly discernible activity in the southern hemisphere now that the ring tilt is allowing us to see that. On the northern side of what I think is the SSTeB, there is quite a dark feature on the f side of the Central Meridian nearer to the limb, again clearly discernible in RGB and IR. On the p side of this feature is a line of small ovals and festoons.
OTA: C14 EdgeHD
Camera: ZWO ASI 178MM
Mount: Paramount MX+
Barlow: Siebert UV 1.5X...giving a 7m focal length
Image scale 0.07 "/pxl
RGB captures: 90 secs per colour channel, 11 runs
Frames stacked: 87,000
Frame rate: 72 fps
Exposure 13ms
Copyright: Niall Macniell
Photogenic Saturn
Image Description and Details : Saturn on 18th August 2021. This is a substantially south up view. The seeing was excellent throughout the night of capture. The conditions allowed resolution of finest details on the planet's cloud tops. The Encke Division could be seen in the Blue images, which is unusual. The Maxwell Gap in the C Ring is also well resolved, especially in the colour image. OTA: C14 Edge HD Camera: ZWO ASI 174MM Filters: Chroma RGB Barlow: Tele Vue 3X Frames: 42,000 Frame rate: 47 fps Exposure time: 20ms Focal length: 13.5m
Copyright: Niall MacNeill
A Saturn family portrait with 7 moons
A Saturn family portrait with 7 moons
Occasionally, the seeing gods are kind - it was sharp this morning! Good data is so much easier to process too. Subtle details on the planet with ripples in belts on both hemispheres, and many moons nearby. Orange fuzzball Titan is at upper right, there's also Enceladus, Dione, Tethys, Rhea & faint Mimas just left of the rings. Iapetus, having completed a very rare transit of Saturn two mornings ago, is farther to the lower right. I've added a labelled version and also a closer view with 'just' six moons.
Celestron C14 @f/22, ZWO ASI290MM, 21mins RGB, red filter only for the smaller icy moons.
Copyright: Andy Casely
planetary tour
Grand tour of the outer planets from my backyard. Shot over the last 12 months with the fabulous Astro Physics 10" f/14.5 Mak-cass telescope and the QHY5III-462C color cmos camera. 37 degrees N. 100 ft el. Seeing can be very good at times.
Copyright: John Gleason
Saturn's Hexagon
Image Description and Details :
Volta Mantovana (MN) - Italy
45°32' N - 10°65' E
UTC 9:42 pm
Sky-Watcher 200/1000
HEQ5 Pro SynScan
Barlow 2,5x Luminos
IR pass ProPlanet 742 nm Astronomik
R-G-B Meade filters
Copyright: Alessandro Biasia
Saturn and moons
Saturn and mmons taken from Réunion Island (indian océan) with C11, x2 barlox and asi224mc. we can see some moons like Mimas left top, Encelade right top and Rhéa left Bottom of saturn.
there is beautiful détails, A,B,C rings and cassini division. beautiful colors.
Copyright: Quentin Gineys
Solar System 2020
This is a collage of solar system objects Left to right: Mercury, Venus(in a very thin crescent phase), International Space Station, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Wanning gibbous Moon on the top(19-panel mosaic), and Sun at the bottom(4-panel mosaic) all Captured in 2020 using Different equipment.
Telescopes: GSO 16" Dob on EQ platform, EdgeHD11", Esprit 80mmAPO
Cameras: ZWO462MC, ZWO 290MC, ZWO1600mmpro.
Accessories: ZWO UV/IR Cut filter, IR 685nm filter, ZWO ADC, Daystar quark Chromosphere, Tilt adaptor.
Software: Autostakkert!3, Registax, Photoshop
Location: Sharjah, UAE
Date: Jan - Dec 2020
Copyright: Prabhu S Kutti
Solar System
Image Description and Details :
Records of the Solar System that I performed in 2020With the exception of the Moon and Mars (as they would be too small), the other objects in the image are (approximately) proportional to their actual size.Sky-Watcher 203mm F/5 EQ5 reflector with Onstep, ASI 290MC, UV/IR Cut filter, Barlow Tele Vue 3x (Planets), Thousand Oaks Solar Filter (Sun).
Copyright: Maicon Lopes Nunes
Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction
Image Description and Details :
To obtain this picture, I assembled the results of two movies, one exposed for Saturn, and the other one exposed for Jupiter.
Technical details :- Orion 80ED refractor- Meade LXD55 mount- ZWO ASI 224 MC- Barlow Televue Powermate 2.5x- IRCut Baader filter- for each planets, 1000 pictures stacked with AutoStakkert v3, processing with Registax 6, photo assembly with Photoshop
Copyright Information: Christophe Gervier
Planetary Imaging 2020
Image Description and Details : The images have been acquired during the period February-October.For Jupiter and Saturn was a challenge since the planets were located about 26° above to the horizon.Setup used:C14 Edge HD Fornax52 mount ASI 178/290 mono Barlow Zeiss Baader filters RGB & IR>807nm IR>610nm UV320-380nm with ADC ZWO.
Copyright Information: Luigi Morrone