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Two towers of plasma in the Sun
Image Description and Details :
This morning, February 18, I photographed this magnificent prominence on the northeast limb of the sun. These two towers of hot plasma rise more than 90,000 km above the sun's surface.
On the solar disk, not many sunspots are seen but many filaments in multiple active regions are very noticeable.
To take this picture I used a Coronado Solarmax II 90mm telescope and a ZWO 183MM camera.
Copyright: Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau
1 minute of Sun
Image Description and Details :
This is one of the most active days of the new solar cycle, weeks with clouds and I only had 5 minutes of sun, and of those minutes here it is in a single photo, one minute of its activity, impressive the details and the beauty that it gives us minute by minute the sun, each look through the telescope, is a new sun, we are going to continue enjoying this new solar cycle, and hopefully it will give us more landscapes like this, I hope you like it.
Mount Skywatcher azeq6.
Camera Zwo asi 178mm
Telescope Lunt 60MT/ B1200PT double stack
Capture Software Firecapture (60 second video recording, I chose 70% of the frames)
Dallas, Tx.
Copyright: Arturo Buenrostro
Image Description and Details :
I was able to photograph the iss again 4/2. I planned the shot about 3 weeks ago and with a little luck I was able to take it today at 4:41 pm. This is my 4x ISS transit photo, and every time I am fascinated and excited at the same time
Lunt LS80 DSII & Coronado BF30 Blockfilter
Rainbow RST-135
Hutech Hinode Solar Guider
Meade Series 5000 2x Barlow
Copyright: Mehmet Ergün
Sun's photosphere. From Catania 54 to Catania 58
Image Description and Details :
The new solar cycle 25 is becoming increasingly active. The big Catania 57 group, the central sunspot have about 5 earths of width.There are also some groups of faculaes around the disk that could turn into sunspots in near days.Tube: SkyWatcher ED 72/420 with a Baader Astrosolar OD 5.0 filter.Camera: Zwo ASI 224MCFilters: Zwo IR/UV cut and Baader Solar ContinuumMount: SkyWatcher Star Adventurer Mini over a Manfrotto 055 tripod.Barlow: Generic x3 on cropped sections.Acquisition: 3 videos of 30" stack on AutoStakkert and processed with Astro Surface OMEGA (deconvolution and wavelets) and Fitswork 4 (luminance extraction and false color).
Copyright Information: Enol Matilla
Solar filament in h-alpha
Image Description and Details :
The picture, taken on August 6th 2020 from Casalgrande (Italy), shows a large filament in the chromosphere
Telescope: Tecnosky acro 152/900mm at 3600mm of focal length Mount: Sky Watcher NEQ 6 ProCamera ZWO ASI 174MMFilter: Daystar Quark Chromosphere Average seeing and transparency conditions
Copyright: Alessandro Carrozzi