AAPOD2 Image Archives

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2022, August 2022, 2022 Monthly Winners Jason Matter 2022, August 2022, 2022 Monthly Winners Jason Matter

Huge solar prominence

Image Description and Details : A huge was visible on the Sun! These consist of cooler Plasma that follows magnetic field lines. This image was taken yesterday (28.08.22, 4:10 pm UTC). I put the Earth into the image (to scale) for a size comparison.

Lichtenknecker 90/1350mm Refraktor
Coronado Solarmax 90 I
10000 frames (4ms, Gain 0)
Stacked with Autostakkert!3 (best 550 Images)
Processed with Registax, Photoshop

Copyright: Robert Schumann

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July 2022, 2022 Jason Matter July 2022, 2022 Jason Matter

Huge solar prominence

Image Description and Details : Huge solar prominence; the active region 13055 is visible on the disk. The image of the Earth was inserted for comparison. Setup: Tecnosky APO SLD 130/910, Baader D-ERF 135mm, DayStar Quark Chromosphere and ZWO ASI174MM camera.

Copyright:  Salvo Lauricella

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April 2022, 2022 Jason Matter April 2022, 2022 Jason Matter


Image Description and Details : Here we can appreciate the fantastic solar landscape, with the great solar activity that we are having in this solar cycle number 25, this activity that can be seen in the photograph and was captured with a Lunt 60mm double stack telescope and with a 174mm zwo camera. and was taken from Dallas, Tx.


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2022, March 2022 Jason Matter 2022, March 2022 Jason Matter

The Sun is Boss

Image Description and Details : Captured from Perth Western Australia, using a Skywatcher 127 Maksutov, with an IR/UV Cut filter covering the objective lens,
and a Daystar Quark Chromosphere Solar filter before the camera.
Approx 1500mm F/L.
Composite of two separate exposures.
Lower exposure for the Suns Chromosphere, slightly higher exposure for the Prom.
Incidently, the main prom size reaches out roughly 180,000km. you can see a faint afterburn which continues for approx another 80,000km.
Measurements based on suns diameter and curvature, derived from a full disc image of this event.

Copyright: Copyright: David Gray

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February 2022, 2022 Jason Matter February 2022, 2022 Jason Matter

Two towers of plasma in the Sun

Image Description and Details :

This morning, February 18, I photographed this magnificent prominence on the northeast limb of the sun. These two towers of hot plasma rise more than 90,000 km above the sun's surface.
On the solar disk, not many sunspots are seen but many filaments in multiple active regions are very noticeable.
To take this picture I used a Coronado Solarmax II 90mm telescope and a ZWO 183MM camera.

Copyright: Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau

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September 2021, 2021 Jason Matter September 2021, 2021 Jason Matter

Sun in h-alpha

Image Description and Details : Mosaic of 6 images to the surface, and 4 images do the prominances.

For each imagem from the mosaic were taken +/- 500 images at 30 fps , stacking the best 80%.

Gear used:
Lunt LS60THa solar telescope
Celestron CG5-GT Mount
ASI120mm camera

Copyright: Samuel Dias Müller

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July 2021, 2021 Jason Matter July 2021, 2021 Jason Matter

The sun wake up

Image Description and Details :

Solar activity continues and it seems that it is increasing, that is why we expect more solar landscapes like this, every day, every minute, a different landscape, you have to be there to capture it, here I managed to capture the solar activity of last July. 24 from Dallas, Texas.

Copyright: Arturo Buenrostro

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