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November 2022, 2022 Jason Matter November 2022, 2022 Jason Matter

Toal Lunar Eclipse 2022 - from Farmington Hills, Michigan

Image Description and Details : The image was shot during the few clear minutes during maximum totality. The image is comprised of a stack of the best 25% of the frames.
Captured using the Celestron Evolution 8 with F6.3 focal reducer and ASI 294 MC Pro. recorded in Firecapture. Stacked in Autostakkert and processed in Photoshop.

Copyright: Michael Shapiro

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November 2022, 2022 Jason Matter November 2022, 2022 Jason Matter

Witch head nebula

Image Description and Details : Witch Head Nebula
[NGC1909 | IC2118 | LBN956]
Magnitude: +13.0
Distance: 899 ly
Constellation: Eridanus

This faint nebula resembles a shape that of a witches head. It was believed to be a remnant from of a supernova. Categorized as a reflection nebula. It is illuminated by a nearby blue supergiant star Rigel.

SCT 8”, Hyperstar v4, ZWO(ASI294MC Pro, ASIAR Pro, ASI290mm, EAF) | EQ6R P
94X120” | IDAS LPS D3
Gain: 100, -10 °C
APP, PS(Camera Raw + Plug-ins)
Bortle 5 Ca, USA

Copyright: Paul Diosomito

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November 2022, 2022 Jason Matter November 2022, 2022 Jason Matter

The heart of the heart nebula

Image Description and Details : Capture Details:
Celestron 14” Edge HD with .7x reducer at F/8
Celestron OAG and a 174mm guide camera
Ioptron CEM 120 mount
ZWO 2600MM Pro cooled to -10° / gain 100.
Chroma 3nm S, H, O filters with ZWO 7x36mm EFW
Processed in Pixinsight.
Shot from my backyard, bortle 8 (October 2022).

Sii - 5 min subs x 179 = 14.9 hrs.
Ha - 5 min subs x 101 = 8.4 hrs.
Oiii - 5 min subs x 82 = 6.8 hrs.
Total integration time = 30.1 hrs.

Copyright: Richard McInnis

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November 2022, 2022 Jason Matter November 2022, 2022 Jason Matter

The Jellyfish Nebula in Geminiii

Due to the bad weather, I decided to invest some time in a new, improved version of the „Jellyfish Nebula“ (IC 443) in Gemini. I captured this fantastic nebula 7 months ago, and it’s still one of my favorite objects in the sky! Hope you like it!

Celestron RASA 8

Celestron Motorfocuser

EQ6-R Pro

ZWO ASI 2600 MC Pro (Gain 100, Offset 18, -10°)

RGB: 53 x 120" (1h 46')

Ha & OIII: 73 x 240" (4h 52')

Darks, Flats, Darkflats, Dithering

N.I.N.A., Guiding: ZWO ASI 120MM & PHD2

Astropixelprocessor, Photoshop, Pixinsight

copyright: Markus Horn

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November 2022, 2022 Jason Matter November 2022, 2022 Jason Matter

The Wing of the Swan

Image Description and Details : The Wing of the Swan. 108 hours over the course of 31 nights. I hope you enjoy this image as much as I loved creating it!

Imaging Telescope: OPT Telescopes TPO UltraWide 180 f/4.5
Imaging Camera: ZWO Astronomy Cameras ASI2600MC Pro
Mount: Sky-Watcher USA EQ6-R Pro
Filters: Baader Planetarium Fringe Killer 2", Optolong Astronomy Filter L-eXtreme 2"
Accessories: ZWO ASIAIR Plus, ZWO EAF

Baader Fringe Killer 2": 350×5″ (29′ 10″)
Optolong L-eXtreme 2": 810×480″ (108h)

Copyright: Jeffrey Horne

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November 2022, 2022 Jason Matter November 2022, 2022 Jason Matter

Baby Eagle Nebula

Image Description and Details : As soon as I saw a photo of this nebula on the internet, I immediately knew I also wanted to photograph it. I went up to a nearby mountain pass with dark skies that same night and shot the nebula for as long as my battery allowed me. I was very pleased that in addition to the Eagle, I was also able to photograph a large amount of the nearby dust clouds.

Telescope: Celestron RASA 8
Mount: Rainbow Astro RST-300
Camera: ZWO ASI 2600MC Pro

10/28/2022 San Bernardino, CH
4 hours of total integration time

Copyright: The Space Koala

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2022, November 2022, 2022 Monthly Winners Jason Matter 2022, November 2022, 2022 Monthly Winners Jason Matter

Spitzkoppe Arch

Image Description and Details : The Spitzkoppe, or the "Matterhorn of Namibia", is a group of bald granite peaks located between Usakos and Swakopmund in the Namib desert of Namibia. More than 120 million years old, the highest outcrop rises about 1700mtrs above sea level. Many examples of Bushmen artwork can be seen painted on the rocks in the Spitzkoppe area though many of them have been destroyed. The Spitzkoppe Mountains were also the filming location for 2001: A Space Odyssey in the "Dawn of Man" sequences.

The rock arch seen here is also a well-known formation and has featured in many a composition and to photograph the arch, one has to camp inside the reserve as the gates are closed at night. Behind and to the left of the arch is the Spitzkoppe peak while to the right I think is the Pontos range. In the sky we can see the North American nebula and the Sadr region showing off their hydrogen gases and the Andromeda Galaxy puts in an appearance on the right, in an orientation we Northerners are not used to seeing….

Camera = Nikon D850 H-alpha mod
Lens = Nikon 14-24mm, Zeiss Otus 55mm
Sky Exposure = 10secs, f2, iso 6400, 18 panels
Ground Exposure = 480 secs, f2.8, iso 800, light painted
Software = PtGui, Pixinsight, Lightroom, Photoshop, Luminar Neo

Copyright: vikas chander

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2022, November 2022 Jason Matter 2022, November 2022 Jason Matter

Ic 348

Image Description and Details : ic 348 ir flying ghost nebula
Questa distesa cosmica di polvere, gas e stelle copre circa 3 gradi del cielo nell'eroica costellazione del Perseo.
Si individua pochissimi primi d'arco a sud della stella ο Persei, nell'area di cielo in cui si incontrano le costellazioni di Perseo, Ariete e Toro; è poco nota nell'ambito dell'osservazione amatoriale a causa della vicina presenza delle Pleiadi e della ben più grande Nebulosa California, sebbene sia più luminosa delle nebulose associate alle Pleiadi.
In alto a sinistra nello splendido paesaggio del cielo c'è l'affascinante giovane ammasso stellare IC 348 e la vicina Flying Ghost Nebula alla periferia della gigantesca nuvola molecolare di Perseo, a circa 850 anni luce di distanza. Altre nebulose polverose sono sparse nel campo visivo, insieme al debole bagliore rossastro dell'idrogeno gassoso.
In effetti, la polvere cosmica tende a nascondere le stelle di nuova formazione e i giovani oggetti stellari o protostelle da telescopi ottici indiscreti. Crollo a causa dell'auto-gravità, le protostelle si formano dai densi nuclei incorporati nella polverosa nuvola molecolare. Alla distanza stimata della nuvola molecolare, questo campo visivo si estenderebbe per quasi 35 anni luce

Light 70 x 600” filter: Optolong L-Pro
Light 39 x 600” filter: Optolong UV/IR cut
+dark, flat e darkflat
Camera: Asi 294 mc pro
Telescope: Sharpstar 94 EDPH 517mm F5.5 reduced to 423mm F/4.4
Guide camera: Asi 120 mini Filter Svbony CLS
Guide scope: 50-190mm
Mount: Skywatcher Eq 6-r Pro
Acquisition: Asiair Plus
Software: Pixinsight – Photoshop
19-20-25-27/10/2022 Manduria (TA)
28/10/2022 Stigliamo (MT)

Copyright: PRO' GIACOMO

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2022, November 2022 Jason Matter 2022, November 2022 Jason Matter

The Veil Nebula - a 4 pannel mosaic

Image Description and Details : EXIF DATA:

Camera: Sony a7r + QSI 583 [Kodak KAF8300]
Filters: Antlia RGB + Baader 7nm Ha + Optolong L-Extreme [Mainly for OIII]
Telescope: Skywatcher Esprit 100 + Riccardi 0.75 Reducer
Mount: iOptron cem70
Location: Schauinsland, Germany [Observatory from the "Sternfreunde Breisgau" local astronomy club]

Antlia Blue 1.25": 64×300″(5h 20′) -10°C bin 1×1
Antlia Green 1.25": 64×300″(5h 20′) -10°C bin 1×1
Antlia Red 1.25": 64×300″(5h 20′) -10°C bin 1×1
Baader H-alpha 7nm 1.25": 131×900″(32h 45′) -10°C bin 1×1
Optolong L-eXtreme 2": 231×300″(19h 15′) ISO3200 bin 1×1

Total: 68h

Copyright: Jakob Sahner

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